What is Ministry Manger?
MM is an online application that was created by the Upper Room. It provides a database of members and their walk work history. Only the members of that community, can only see members of that community. There are several advantages, the biggest, the UR provides al these resources free or charge. Also if you move to a different community, they can add you and all your history moves with you.
It can be reached at https://ministrymanager.upperroom.org/
Why do I care?
We use the database on this website for the GPE Newsletters. So if you would like to receive the newsletter, be sure and go to the home page, scroll down to bottom and use the form to subscribe. Then follow the instructions after you submit. All that database is for your Name and Email addresses for the newsletter delivery. MM is how the community will contact you to work walks. Make sure the information there is correct. If you need any help reach out to info@greatplainsemmaus.org
What do I do once I get there?
These instruction below can be downloaded here.
Ministry Manager Instructions Ministry Manager is the new Emmaus database provided by The Upper Room for Emmaus communities. It replaced the old Information System Database the Community was using. All new Great Plains Emmaus community member, should have received an invitation email from The Upper Room asking you to Sign In to Ministry Manager to create your account and verify your information for use in the community. Please do so as it will be the method used for communications and membership. It is very important since this information is what Team Selection uses to reach out to you for working walks. Having your correct information will ensure that you can remain an active and informed part of our community in the future. What should I do if I did not act when I received my email from ministrymanager@upperroom.org inviting me to “join Emmaus”? Many of the Community Members had email accounts that were invalid or no longer in use. If you didn’t get an email inviting you to sign into the Ministry Manager application, this could be you… To receive the invitation email, go to the Ministry Manager portal page at https://ministrymanager.upperroom.org and click the “Sign Up” button, fill out the form, and click the “Create Your Account” button to finish. What should I check in my Ministry Manager Profile? Once you are in the Ministry Manager, check your profile to ensure that all of your information is correct. There are several fields in each profile which are mandatory. If they are left blank, you may be able to complete the verification of your account, but we will not be able to change your status. These fields are: First Name Last Name Phone Number (Home, Cell or Both) Birth Date Email Address After changing and/or updating any of your profile information, ensure that you get a message stating that the update was successful before moving on. If you get a failure message, check the profile fields for hints in red about those fields that may be filled out incorrectly or are mandatory and were left blank. What should I do if Ministry Manager says that my email is already registered? If you are told that your email is already registered, it may be because both you and your spouse used the same email in our old Database. Ministry Manager requires a discrete email address for every member, so if you had a common email address, one of you was automatically assigned a “dummy” Ministry Manager email address to satisfy this need. Have the other spouse log in using the “registered” email and then check your profile to see if the Walks and Sponsor listings match the person who is logged in. If the profile information matches the person listed in the profile, you can then contact info@greatplainsemmaus.org to obtain your “place holding” email address so you then can use that to register the other spouse, log in, and change the profile information to include a real email address. When I Sign Out so my spouse can log in, Ministry Manager automatically logs me back in to my account. Ministry Manager installs a “cookie” on your system when you log in and this cookie persists for a while even when you Sign Out, so if you click the Log In button again while the cookie is still active, you are automatically logged back in to MMP without even having to enter your information. One of the reasons this has been done is that The Upper Room has gone to a single log in per user for all Upper Room accounts. So your log in will be the same for the Ministry Manager and for any other Upper Room accounts that you have. The way to allow your spouse to Log In after you Sign Out of Ministry Manager is to sign yourself out of all Upper Room accounts as follows. After Signing Out, you are taken back to the Log In page. Click the Support link at the bottom right of the Log In button. When you see a rather blank page titled The Upper Room, click on your email address at the upper right and in the drop list select Sign Out. Now click your browser’s Back button until you are back at the Ministry Manager Log In page and your spouse will be able to Log In successfully. For any questions or problems email Community info@greatplainsemmaus.org DeColores